Friday, March 28, 2008

superstition come true

mood: not totally fatigued, for once

i just HAD to talk about how i didn't have any nausea, didn't i? well, yesterday i had mild to moderate nausea all day and although it wasn't awful, it did suck. no throwing up, but there were definitely times when i thought i might need to. my mom said she didn't have any morning sickness with either me or my sister, so i was really hoping that was hereditary. i've been trying to keep hydrated because that supposedly mitigates the nausea, but i really dislike water. i mean, REALLY dislike it. there have been days on end (pre-pregnancy) when i wouldn't take a sip of water. now i have to force myself to drink it. milk, on the other hand, i could drink by the gallons (especially light vanilla soymilk...mmmmmm).

i have also been soooo fatigued lately. all i ever want to do is sleep. i slept 11 hours last night and could easily have slept another six. baby must be really living it up inside of me to be using so much energy! for once right now i'm just tired, but not totally knackered, as the british would say.

it seems lately everything is about babies! there are babies, or pictures of babies, or baby talk, or baby showers, or pregnant women everywhere! maybe i am just noticing it more now, but it definitely seems to have picked up. already this summer i have three baby showers (not including mine), a one-year-old birthday party, and high expectations of more friends getting pregnant. i love it!

today as i was walking through the hall at work i found myself patting my belly and saying "i love you already." it felt good. i didn't feel scared saying it, or that i was jinxing anything. i walked into the bathroom and caught a glimpse of myself smiling, which made me smile even wider because i felt unapologetically silly.

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