Monday, March 31, 2008

Shame shame

Mood: Lazy

so i called in sick today. i wasn't REALLY sick, but i just wanted to stay in bed all day. i mean, i did feel a bit nauseous, but really only when i asked myself if i was feeling nauseous. i think we deserve these days once in a while, especially since i'm on call all night tonight and have to work straight into the day tomorrow. okay, enough justifications.

today i am six weeks pregnant. it seems like it should be so much farther along than that! i feel like i've been pregnant forever! these initial three months really are going to be intermineable, eh? lying to friends about why i'm not drinking, not sleeping well, and not seeing the hubby for a month because of all his interviews. :( and of course nowadays i have this intense craving for attention! (not that i don't usually, but now it's even more severe). :) i've had two people in the past week tell me they're pregnant, and i want to just shout out, "me, too!" but i bite my tongue. we're holding out till 12 weeks before we make it public. six more weeks--how am i going to hold back for that long???

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