Wednesday, March 26, 2008

barely imperceptible nausea

mood: Hungry

it's so weird to think about what is going on inside my uterus. here's what 'they' say: baby is about the size of a small grain of rice! During the early part of this pregnancy at 5 weeks the central nervous system, muscles, bones and even the heart will begin to form. Early skeletal development is also possible at or around pregnancy week 5. Perhaps the most interesting changes that are occurring during 5 weeks pregnant include those happening in the heart. During this week the heart will begin to divide into separate chambers and start pumping blood. The heart is formed from the middle layer of cells called the mesoderm. Other organs that will develop from this layer include the muscles, cartilage and bone. The primitive placenta and umbilical cord are also developing. The neural tube starts developing in the top layer of cells called the ectoderm. The skin, hair, nails and sweat glands will also develop out of this layer of cells. The lungs, intestines, thyroid and pancreas also develop from a third layer of cells called the endoderm.

wow. the miracle of nature.

i have been DREADING the cover-your-mouth-and-run-to-the-bathroom-in-the-middle-of-a-meeting nausea. it's the side effect of pregnancy i knew i'd be least able to handle with grace. luckily, i've been spared so far (the superstitious part of me is cursing myself for writing that). i've had a super mild barely perceptible nausea that i can sense when i think about it, but if i'm doing something else, i totally forget about it. i haven't had any episodes of emesis, but if i did get nauseous, i would hope to throw up because at least then i'd feel better temporarily. however, i know it is only the beginning, and a lot of women don't get it for another few weeks. i keep having to remind myself: lemon water and crackers. lemon water and crackers.

so i've had two dreams in which i've dreamt i'm having a boy, but when i think about the baby during daytime hours, it's always a girl. i'm not sure what that means. my mother-in-law is insistent that it will be a boy, but i think that's traditional indian wishful thinking. (heck, my parents wanted me to be a boy, and when i wasn't, they REALLY wanted my sister to be a boy.) of course i'll be happy with either a healthy happy baby girl or boy. i just have no experience with little boys. they're just so...foreign! i've never had brothers or nephews or friends who've had boys. the closest i've come is the two little neighbor mexican kids i would babysit in med school, but they liked rups better because he would throw them up in the air (too high if you ask me).

i'm starving, so i'm going out for maki tonight. mmmmmm.....!

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