Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The final stretch is here...

BT will be here in six weeks. really?? he's 34 weeks "old" right now but already i feel like a breadstick tied to a watermelon. one that looks and feels exhausted and hasn't combed her hair in two days. and by the looks of these pictures, i could stand to do some laundry. (no comments, please).

i just got back from doing a just-for-fun ultrasound at rups' hospital, where the super sweet ultrasound tech did a full exam and printed out several pictures. BT weighs 4 pounds, 13 ounces (+/- 12 ounces) as of this morning. the last couple months, they grow half a pound a week; at this rate, he'll be about 7-8 pounds when i deliver. rani was 6 pounds and the delivery went fine, but i'm a little nervous about popping out this 'big' baby of mine. i don't know how women deliver 9 and 10 pound babies! or twins!hats off to them.

BT definitely has rups' profile with the prominent, i mean aristocratic, nose and all. rups insists it's just shadowing artifact from the ultrasound, but i'm not convinced. artifact in the exact same place in 6 out of 6 pictures? he's a typical boy--he had no patience for posing for pictures--he kept waving his hand in front of his face as if to say, "yeah, yeah, are you done yet?". huh...maybe he had something better to do. he's the weight of an average cantaloupe, and is about 18 inches long. his fat layers are filling out so his skin is smoother and less-alien like.

i feel a little less anxious because a baby born at 34 weeks with no other problems usually does as well as full-term babies. i'm all about superstition, though, so i want him sitting and jumping in there as long as he wants, which better be at least 38 weeks.

as usual, there's a ridiculous amount of stuff going on with us: rani turns 2 in six weeks (for two days, i'll have "2 under 2"), rups just ran his 5th marathon and got one of his best times ever, we're all moved back into our milwaukee condo, we picked out a nanny for the baby and a "school" for rani, and after almost 32 years, i've finally developed an addiction. internet shopping. it's awesome! you don't have to leave the house, you can do it late at night, you don't have to pay tax or shipping if you're savvy, and there are, sigh, coupon codes everywhere! i have bought everything from diapers to jewelry to winter boots to a 2 TB external hard drive to a futon mattress, all in the last week! all stuff we needed, of course. and cheaper than if i'd gone to the store! rups says i need to get a job just so i don't spend the salary i would be making on internet shopping. sadly, i agree with him.

so the job hunt is going to start next week. i'm thinking i'll give myself my three-four month maternity leave, so i'll start working again in march. i'm already feeling so tired all the time (just looking at the pics of myself makes me feel tired all over again) that i can't even imagine working right now, but i miss it. it's been a year and though it's been fun, i'm not cut out for being a full-time stay-at-home-mom, no matter how challenging it is!

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