Thursday, June 17, 2010

and it's a...

you waited this long, a few more minutes of reading won't hurt.

as i was driving to my ultrasound yesterday morning, i felt this sense of nervous excitement i hadn't felt in a long time. i haven't been on time to a doctor's appointment in the last three years, but this time, even with rani in tow, i was there way ahead of time. driving down martin luther king drive to the university of chicago hospital, i was hyperaware of all the happy details of my surroundings. the way the old mansions lining the south side of chicago held a faded glory, and how happily the crossing guard waved hello, and how even the unplanted flowers sneaking up through the abandoned lots boasted a vibrancy i hadn't noticed before. washington park seemed greener than i had ever seen it (probably because of the relentless rain the last few days) and pedestrians even chose to forego jaywalking right in front of my car. little girls skipped on their way to school and i couldn't help but think that could be my new little one in a few years. little boys raced each other down the sidewalk, and i thought there could be my little boy. this entire pregnancy, i've felt this baby is going to be a boy, which of course i'll be happy about, but then i already know how happy a little girl would make me, even the second time around.

rups joined me for the ultrasound, and as the tech put the warm gel on my stomach and reached for the probe, rani let out a loud protest from his lap. she thought the tech was hurting me, and was going to do everything to stop her from continuing. but even our ranya, so vocal and boisterous, sat still as the image of the baby came up on the screen.

the tech asked if we wanted to know what the sex of the baby was. in unison, or maybe only in my head, i exclaimed "yes!". and she said...

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