Friday, April 16, 2010

First ultrasound!

we had an ultrasound today to pinpoint a due date, and as of today i am 9 weeks, 3 days pregnant. the baby is due november 16, 2010. two days before rani turns two, and five days after i turn 32!

ultrasounds are such a funny thing. they give everyone a glimpse into a pretty private world and a life that hasn't yet begun, at least not in our world. it feels almost voyeuristic to observe someone sleeping or moving, or just being, and having such an emotional response. it's our baby, and we created her, i know, but she's her own entity now and it seems strange to look at her through skin and fat and muscle and fluid. i can't touch her, but i can see the shape of her nose, and the rise of her belly and the curvature of her head. it's a little unnerving, but at the same time, utterly amazing.

seeing the little munchkin on the screen really hit home. it all felt so much more real (not that the extreme exhaustion and the tossing and turning at night don't feel real)! just seeing the heartbeat, the undulating arms and legs, the slow turns of the head--it was all suddenly not just a vague baby in the future. rups being there was also incredibly important. half the excitement for me is seeing the excitement in him. he's already a fantastic father; i know he'll just be doubly fantastic the second time around.

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