Tuesday, August 12, 2008

25 weeks and the physical symptoms kick in

mood: more tired than usual

today (tuesday) is rups' birthday and BG (baby girl--very original, i know) got him a card and baked him a chocolate cake with reese's peanut butter cups crumbled in. he thinks it's funny and cute when i hold my belly and attempt my far-from-perfected ventriloquism by talking in a high pitched little girl's voice as if BG is talking to him, or do things as if she's the one doing them. and who am i to not further the developing bond between father and daughter? we haven't been as good about reading to her at night because our schedules have been so erratic and i've been out of town on my own for a week, but we're getting back into it. she seems to respond to his voice really well--she often starts kicking when he talks to her, which makes him even more happy to talk to her. it's really quite cute.

i also had my o.b. checkup today. at the last visit one month ago, my o.b. was concerned that i hadn't been gaining enough weight. that definitely wasn't the case today. i had been instructed to gain a pound a week over the past month, and i gained five pounds (total, not per week). so there! i definitely look pregnant now when i wear a dress, but when i wear looser shirts, people still can't always tell. i'll have my gestational diabetes test done next month. i'm a little concerned because i love love love sweets and there is a family history of diabetes, but my ob feels given my age and prior birth weight, i should be okay.

BG is doing really well. she's a lot quieter during the day nowadays, but at night, she loves to kick up a storm. she's about 1.5 pounds (how the heck does she kick so hard?!). she's obviously not ready to be born, but it is some comfort knowing that if i did go into labor this early, she is now old enough to be viable. she'd be in the hospital for months growing and avoiding infections, but she would likely survive. i'm scaring myself just thinking about it, so enough of that.

the heartburn kicked in a couple weeks ago and i finally understand why it is so awful! it's this searing discomfort that runs up and down your esophagus, and i found the only thing that makes it better is ice cream or chocolate milk (well, i guess regular milk would work but chocolate milk tastes so good!). this is not an excuse to feel like i'm doing something beneficial by gorging on ice cream, but it seriously is one of the only things that makes it go away. the heartburn doesn't happen every day, but when it does, it seriously makes me feel like an old wrinkly man melted into in his rocking chair complaining about and expecting a badge of courage for every ache. yes, heartburn makes me think all that.

to get my second badge/war wound, i have to mention that today i had the first pangs of back pain. you know, the achy kind that is so deep rooted that no massage even makes it feel better. that might be because i was trying to give myself a massage (rups was at work) but i don't think anything would have helped. i try to minimize the amount of tylenol i take; i usually only take it if i have a pretty bad headache, but if this backache keeps going, i might give in to the siren call of the tylenol.

AND, to top it all off, i haven't slept well in weeks. i just can't find a comfortable position, and i have three and a half more months of growing to go! i'm not quite as elatedly happy as i was in the past few posts (in fact, i'm a little grumpy in the evenings for about half an hour at a time), but i don't let myself take it out on rups. i'm pretty sure it's because i'm not sleeping well.

so there's all my complaining. the good news is that i feel pregnancy has been bringing me and my mom even closer together. we've always been close, but i think she feels that i can understand better the things that she's gone through (and she's right), so our conversations are longer and less hierarchical than they used to be. we talk basically every day now, whereas i remember when we'd go 1-2 weeks without talking before. it's nice. i feel lucky to have her support, especially as i've heard stories about moms who really just don't get involved in their daughters' daily pregnancy woes or make them feel like talking to them so regularly is kind of a nuisance. since we can only have two relatives in the room when we deliver, she is definitely going to be one of them. rups will of course be the other. sorry, anj!

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