Monday, July 14, 2008

starting the sixth month

Mood: Good

so i've started the sixth month today. wow. the little one is 10.5 incles from head to toe (this week we start including the legs in the measurement; hence the large jump in length since last week) and weights 10 ounces. rups can get us a 4D ultrasound done (basically a 3D ultrasound that also shows movement). normal ultrasounds are only 2D. this new ultrasound can show the contours of the face, the skin, everything! part of me doesn't want to do it because i want SOMETHING to be a surprise, but part of me is like, 'why not just do it? it'll make me feel even closer to her'. we might get it done next week.

i really need to stop calling her the little one or the baby. we used to call her pinto, but she's far outgrown the size of a pinto bean and she is no longer a boy (even remotely). so i'm taking suggestions for a nickname until she's born. anj, manga works but it always requires an explanation. so anyone? anyone? nish, this doesn't include you... :)

rups felt her kick for the second time last night. for the past few weeks, she's been totally playing games with him. whenever i feel her kicking, i tell him to come over and feel. he always come running (virtually his only mode of transportation these days as he trains for the chicago marathon) but as soon as he gets there, she quiets down. then they play this game of pretending like each other isn't on the other side of my belly. she won't move so he'll pretend he's left, but she's actually already too smart for him. he tries to wait her out but the second he takes his hand off my belly, she kicks and he misses it. so finally last night she decided to let him feel her kick again. he was so happy--not quite like the first time, but just as content.

he still reads to her every night. now we've moved from the book of moral stories to a book called baby minds, which tells all about the developing minds of infants. it's pretty interesting--we've decided to have them learn three languages by the time they're three. ;) yes, we are trying to breed a race of brainiacs. did i mention they'll be beautiful brainiacs?

i've just started telling doctors and nurses in the hospital where i work that i'm pregnant. to be honest, unless i'm wearing something pretty form-fitting, you can't really tell i'm pregnant yet. when i told a few of the nurses i work with yesterday, they were like, 'oh, we just thought you had gas!'. i don't know what is more disturbing, the fact that they still can't tell i'm pregnant, or that they discuss it amongst each other when they think i have gas.

anjali, nish, wendy and anna (a friend in my program) are arranging a baby shower for me on sept 27th in milwaukee which i think is so sweet of them. and also my mom and mother-in-law are planning one for the aunties (and uncles) in niles on august 24th, which is also very kind. this baby is going to be so loved! i'm excited for her!

about me, i feel great! my emotions are (pretty) stable--i've only broken into tears for absolutely no reason at all twice during the whole pregnancy, the last time being a few days ago. of course rups thinks he's done something wrong and tries to make it up to me, and at the time i don't even know how to tell him i'm just crying for no reason because then he'll just think i'm crazy. otherwise i've got tons of energy and don't have to take afternoon naps everyday. i'm getting more used to my body, although to be honest, sometimes i do just feel pretty unattractive with this big belly and expanding hips. of course it's worth it, though! i feel i'm getting more attached to little pepita by the day. several people have commented that i have the 'pregnancy glow' and that pregnancy really suits me well. that's always nice to hear. we'll see what happens third trimester...

that's it for now. stay tuned.

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