Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's a girl!!!!

Mood: Ecstatic

we're having a girl! i am so excited! i would have been happy with a boy, but i am ecstatic that it is a little girl! rups is really happy, too. i think he would have preferred a boy, but he sees how happy i am and it makes him happy. he says as long as we have a boy eventually, he's excited, too. when i told my mom and sister, they started yelling with happiness and said now they get to start shopping for little girl's clothes. :) i think my mother-in-law probably wanted the first one to be a boy, but she's happy nonetheless and congratulated me wholeheartedly.

she's such a good girl already; when we were looking at the ultrasound, i asked her to kick and she started kicking right away! she'd look over at us and i could swear she was smiling. rups has been putting his hand on my stomach every night and reading her poetry that he picks out--mostly kids poetry. it is so cute! (even when he has no idea what he is reading).

so now we have to think of a new temporary name. pinto doesn't seem to quite fit anymore. ;) my soon-to-be brother in law wants us to name her hansa. ew.

gotta go read some poetry. i can't stop smiling.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Mood: Relieved

i was at a friend's house a couple days ago and slipped on some water on her kitchen floor. i had no time to react or even think. the only thing i could do was put my hand out and before i knew it, i came crashing down on my left knee. thank GOD my stomach didn't hit anything on the way down! my knee hurt, and my heart was pounding, but other than that, i was fine. it wasn't me that i was worried about, though. before being pregnant, the first thought in my head would've been "great, now i'm going to have a big bruise on my knee all summer" but this time, all i could think about was the little baby inside me expecting me to protect it. even though i knew everything would probably be fine, i had rups sneak me into his department for an ultrasound. i just needed to see the heartbeat and see the baby moving her arms and legs (i use the word her, but i don't know the sex yet). as soon as i saw her happily moving around, i let out a big sigh and tears sprung to my eyes. i knew i was a bit worried, but i didn't know how scared i was. it was so good to just see her moving around! right now, there is no feeling that can compare.

other than that, i'm in the second trimester. i'll be starting the fifth month in less than a week and i'm still barely showing! i feel great, i don't need as much sleep, i'm for the most part so much more energetic than the first trimester, and my mood is just so good. second trimester really is soooo much better than the first--and i didn't even have morning sickness!

i've bought about $300 worth of clothes in the past month, but none of them are actually maternity clothes...i love the fact that empire waist shirts and dresses are in style--it makes shopping so much easier! more later...